Productive and interesting professional development presentations from RMA teachers and guest speaker. Junior High School teacher Mr. Colin Appleton presented compelling information about his experience working with students diagnosed as ADD and himself as a young student with symptoms of ADD. Ajarn Unchalee’s presentation on Empowering Teachers through Self-Evaluation was a great topic to discuss at the beginning of a school year. She has provided us useful tools that can help teachers to assess their own practice and to make decisions to improve it. Khun Wanchai Chaiyasit, our school counselor and licensed psychologist talked about how fathers can impact child’s development by how involved they are as a parent. His presentation titled Why Kids Need their Dad was both admiring and self-evaluating. Teacher May’s International Day Brainstorming got everybody involved in planning for the International Family Day school event on November 9, 2018.
Guest speaker Ramida Russel Maneesatiean, ACC (Coach Becky) is an Associate Certified Coach from International Coach Federation and Panyapiwat Institute of Management (PIM) Coaching Academy. Her presentation was both informative and comforting. She related personal experiences as a coach to different coachees including her own child. It certainly made us rethink how effectively we are communicating with our students.